For the Driver from American Trucker

For the Driver from American Trucker​

In the March 6, 2024 edition of “For the Driver,” several key updates were highlighted:

  • Jason’s Law Truck Parking Survey to be Reissued: The Federal Highway Administration plans to reissue this survey later in the year, aiming to address truck parking challenges at the federal level.
  • Fuel Price Fluctuations: Diesel prices decreased slightly, averaging $4.022 per gallon nationwide, while gasoline prices increased significantly by 10 cents.
  • Trucking Industry Outlook: Despite a consistently negative Trucking Conditions Index throughout 2023, analysts from FTR anticipate a gradual recovery beginning in 2024.
  • Revocation of ELDs: The FMCSA has revoked five Electronic Logging Devices—CI ELD LOGS, CN ELD, KSK ELD, TT ELD 30, and TT ELD 1010—for failing to meet required standards.
  • AI Integration in Trucking: Discussions from McLeod Software emphasize that for AI tools to be effective in the trucking industry, they must be economically viable, sustainable, and linked to process improvements.


These developments reflect the trucking industry’s dynamic nature, highlighting ongoing efforts to enhance infrastructure, adapt to market changes, and integrate innovative technologies.